
…Splan’s art does more than communicate or comment on science . . . by taking the tools and materials of science in imaginative directions that reveal how these technical means might be used in “otherwise” ways which would lead to different kinds of knowledge production: sometimes purely aesthetic, sometimes diversionary or other times provocative, and universally reflective…
Hannah Star Rogers, Otherwise Ways of Knowing: Art & Biology in the work of Laura Splan, essay for exhibition catalog for Entangled Entities
…There are so many words that describe the work of Laura Splan – intelligent, beautiful, cohesive, and blissfully poetic. Much like the curiosity that drives both scientists and artists to investigate our world, the simple beauty and crispness of Splan’s work encourage the viewer to discover the multi-layered conceptuality that is the pillar of Entangled Entities. This exhibition merges Science and Art with work that is heavily-researched, technologically driven, conceptually intelligent, and aesthetically beautiful. Entangled Entities utilizes animation, textiles, readymade sculptures, sound, and coding to create an environment that ties together virus research, laboratory technicians, audio recordings, subtle political statements, color patterns, weather data, and llamas. These seemingly disparate subjects merge to create an immersive ‘ambiotic’ gallery environment. The space is full of repetitive audio and animated elements interrupted by intermittent surprises from the sculptures. These moments of surprises and discoveries in an environment of pleasant mundanity further reinforce the similarities between the disciplines of Science and Art…
Michael Dickins, essay for exhibition catalog for Entangled Entities
Entangled Entities
Catalog for the Solo Exhibition by Laura Splan at The New Gallery
Published by The New Gallery with support from APSU’s Department of Art + Design and the Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts.
Introduction by Curator Michael Dickins. Essay by Hannah Star Rogers.