Integral Molecular at uCity Science Center Collaboration

collaboration with scientists and equipment engineers at biotech company to produce animation and sound based on SARS science

Integral Molecular at uCity Science Center Collaboration

collaboration with scientists at Integral Molecular
supported by the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
uCity Science Center
Philadelphia, PA

Collaborators: Edgar Davidson, Ben Doranz, Frank Masciocchi, Joseph Rucker, Angela McQuillan

Laura Splan remotely collaborated with scientists at biotech company at Integral Molecular as a returning Bioartist-in-Residence at the uCity Science Center. Collaboration activities included:

  • 3-month engagement
  • remote meetings and discussions
  • collaborative research
  • production of molecular animations made with PyMOL
  • production of collaborative soundscapes recorded over Zoom
  • remote artist talk for uCity Science Center Venture Café
  • production of collaborative live sound performance event on Zoom

Laura Splan remotely collaborated with scientists at biotech company at Integral Molecular as a returning Bioartist-in-Residence at the uCity Science Center. Collaboration activities included:

  • 3-month engagement
  • remote meetings and discussions
  • collaborative research
  • production of molecular animations made with PyMOL
  • production of collaborative soundscapes recorded over Zoom
  • remote artist talk for uCity Science Center Venture Café
  • production of collaborative live sound performance event on Zoom

...These sorts of illustrations have helped enhance scientific literacy about viruses in recent months, says Laura Splan, a Brooklyn, NY-based artist who was inspired to create abstract representations of SARS-CoV-2...Splan sees the public’s newfound ease with terms like ‘coronavirus’ and ‘cell receptors’ as an opportunity to ‘present a lot more information, and a new language, to people’...

Stephen Ornes

...With the coronavirus outbreak, people worldwide have become preoccupied with a threat so physically small that it can’t be seen. The invisible world of viruses has long fascinated multi-media artist Laura Splan, who is artist in residence at a biotech lab...

Voice of America
Matt Dibble

Brooklyn-based artist Laura Splan is taking science to the next level – she is turning molecular images and animations into beautiful works of art.

Schrödinger Editorial Team
uCity Science Center
Integral Molecular