Jun 9 – Aug 21, 2022
Opening Reception: June 9, 2022 at 7pm
Santa Mònica Arts Centre
Barcelona, ES
data-driven molecular animation commissioned for International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA)
Syndemic Sublime (Bat, Pangolin, Camel, Llama, Alpaca, Human, SARS-CoV-2) animation was commissioned for La irrupció at Santa Mònica arts centre, an electronic art exhibition curated by Marta Gracia, Jara Rocha and Enric Puig Punyet for the 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). The ecological, climatic and social crisis that we are going through provides us with multiple ecosystemic upheavals, such as the pandemic moment we are still experiencing. However, although the disturbances are narrated as isolated irruptions, they belong to a continuum of accumulated phenomena. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the many symptoms of the profound exhaustion and slow, unevenly distributed violence resulting from the industrial and institutional extractive depletions and macro-operations that have been carried out in the name of developmentalism and progress, within the framework of colonial capitalist modernity. This exhibition proposes a set of pieces and projects that, from different positions, investigate this situation and the possibilities of art (always limited and partial) to re-politicise the imaginations, traumas, fears and urgencies that challenge and instigate us to irrupt otherwise, under response-able conditions from within the environmental and socio-economic collapse into which planet Earth has been plunged. The selection of works has been carried out within the framework of a public call for entries jointly developed by the International Symposium on Electronic Art 2022 (ISEA 2022) and the Santa Mònica arts centre. Its display in the exhibition space has been conceived as an invitation for visitors to explore the exhibition by tracing their own narrative or following some of the specific itineraries proposed by the curators and guest collaborators. These pieces, inserted within the local context, will open a dialogue about the complex circumstances that we are living on the planet after the disruption of the pandemic. The exhibition will show proposals from leading international and local artists. Following the center’s new methodology that encourages horizontal participation, discursive itineraries will emerge with participation at different levels and the involvement of Santa Mònica’s resident artist communities during the exhibition’s period.
Syndemic Sublime (Bat, Pangolin, Camel, Llama, Alpaca, Human, SARS-CoV-2) animation was commissioned for La irrupció at Santa Mònica arts centre, an electronic art exhibition curated by Marta Gracia, Jara Rocha and Enric Puig Punyet for the 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). The ecological, climatic and social crisis that we are going through provides us with multiple ecosystemic upheavals, such as the pandemic moment we are still experiencing. However, although the disturbances are narrated as isolated irruptions, they belong to a continuum of accumulated phenomena. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the many symptoms of the profound exhaustion and slow, unevenly distributed violence resulting from the industrial and institutional extractive depletions and macro-operations that have been carried out in the name of developmentalism and progress, within the framework of colonial capitalist modernity. This exhibition proposes a set of pieces and projects that, from different positions, investigate this situation and the possibilities of art (always limited and partial) to re-politicise the imaginations, traumas, fears and urgencies that challenge and instigate us to irrupt otherwise, under response-able conditions from within the environmental and socio-economic collapse into which planet Earth has been plunged. The selection of works has been carried out within the framework of a public call for entries jointly developed by the International Symposium on Electronic Art 2022 (ISEA 2022) and the Santa Mònica arts centre. Its display in the exhibition space has been conceived as an invitation for visitors to explore the exhibition by tracing their own narrative or following some of the specific itineraries proposed by the curators and guest collaborators. These pieces, inserted within the local context, will open a dialogue about the complex circumstances that we are living on the planet after the disruption of the pandemic. The exhibition will show proposals from leading international and local artists. Following the center’s new methodology that encourages horizontal participation, discursive itineraries will emerge with participation at different levels and the involvement of Santa Mònica’s resident artist communities during the exhibition’s period.
Technologies for the celebration of multiple ends, Curated by Paz Peña O.
States of emergency: art in times of pandemic, Curated by Israel Rodríguez Giralt
An enemy like the future, Curated by Ian Alan Paul
In a context where all Possibles seem to be closed towards a dystopian future where we are heading , it is crucial to open these Possibles that are waiting to be unfolded, thought and experienced as the Other to come.
A group exhibition of artworks exploring Bio Art, Space Art, Biotechnologies, Climate Change, Complex Networks, Quantum Art or Nano Arts, Hypernatural, Global Warming, Speculative Design
...Laura Splan spent three months in 2020 collaborating with Integral Molecular scientists Dr. Benjamin Doranz and Dr. Edgar Davidson over Zoom to produce her series...created using Pymol to visualize intricate molecular models of SARS-CoV-2. Splan explains that “by using the specialized features of the software in unconventional ways, I unravel and distort the folded structure of the coronavirus spike protein. I playfully manipulate the folded forms...